Is “vs” Capitalized in a Title? Quick Answer

When you’re crafting the perfect title, every detail counts, especially capitalization. Do small words like ‘vs’ get the big-letter treatment or do they stay lowercase? It’s not just about looks; it’s a matter of style. Different guides like Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP have their own rules that steer your decision. Knowing these nuances can make all the difference in your writing. Stick around as the world of proper capitalization is demystified, making sure your titles hit the mark every time.

Key Takeaway:

Capitalization in titles varies with style guides. In both MLA and Chicago styles, ‘vs’ is typically lowercased in titles. However, in APA style, it is usually capitalized. In the AP style, ‘vs’ depends on the publication’s in-house style. Always check the specific style guide for accuracy. Capitalize ‘vs’ in APA, lowercase ‘vs’ in MLA and Chicago styles.

When you write a title, you want every word to look its best. This often means using capitals at the start of each word. But when you come across the word ‘vs’, you might pause and wonder if it’s supposed to stand tall with a capital ‘V’ or stay low with a small ‘v’.

Capitalization Rules for ‘vs’ in Titles

The answer isn’t the same for every situation. It rests on the style guide you’re following. In styles like APA, MLA, and Chicago, ‘vs’ usually stays lowercase because it’s considered a conjunction, and these styles suggest keeping conjunctions small in titles. But, with AP style, you often capitalize ‘Vs’ because this style likes to give a capital letter to words with two or more letters.

Examples in Different Styles

Imagine you’re writing about a court case titled Smith vs. Johnson. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • In MLA style: Smith vs. Johnson
  • In APA style: Smith vs. Johnson
  • In Chicago style: Smith vs. Johnson
  • In AP style: Smith Vs. Johnson

So, next time you encounter the word ‘vs’ in a title, remember the style guide you’re using as your map. Keep it lowercase for most, but give it a capital if you’re following AP style.


In conclusion, remember that whether ‘vs’ is capitalized in a title often depends on the style guide you’re following. Chicago style usually writes it in lowercase, while MLA and APA styles favor capitalizing it as ‘Vs’. The AP style is an exception where ‘vs.’ is used but still not capitalized. Always check the rules of the style guide relevant to your writing to be sure you are doing it correctly. Thanks for reading, and keep crafting those titles with confidence!

Want to learn about more specific capitalization rules for words?

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