Is “being” Capitalized in a Title? Quick Answer

Wondering about the right way to style titles in your writing? You’re not alone! When crafting a title, every word counts, but figuring out which should stand tall with a capital letter can trip up even seasoned writers. Tackle the common conundrum of whether ‘being’ deserves a capital letter in titles. With a firm grasp on the rules used by styles like Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP, you’ll soon be capitalizing with confidence, ensuring your titles are perfectly polished while grabbing your readers’ attention.

Key Takeaway:

In title cases, the word ‘being’ should be capitalized if it’s part of the title. This rule applies to all major style guidelines, including Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP styles. Always be mindful of this to maintain professional copywriting standards when preparing your own work.

When you craft a title, every word counts. Let’s get right to the point: the word ‘being’ often leaves many scratching their heads. Should it wear a capital ‘B’ or not? Well, it mostly depends on the style guide you’re following.

Chicago Style

In the Chicago Manual of Style, any word with five or more letters should be capitalized. That means ‘being’ gets the capital ‘B’ treatment. If you’re following Chicago rules, write ‘Being’ with its head held high.

MLA and APA Styles

MLA and APA styles share a common rule – only capitalize ‘being’ if it’s a first or last word in a title, or if it’s a principal word. Principal words include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Since ‘being’ is a verb, you’ll capitalize it in titles under MLA or APA guidelines.

AP Style

AP Style is a bit more straightforward. It says not to capitalize words with less than four letters. ‘Being’ clearly passes this mark, so you give it a capital ‘B’ in AP style.

Remember to stay consistent with the style guide you choose. And don’t forget, context is everything. If ‘being’ acts as a conjunction or preposition, in some styles, it stays in lowercase.

Example time! “Being or Not Being: That is the Question.” According to Chicago, MLA, and APA, ‘Being’ is a key player and earns its capital ‘B’. But in AP, if it weren’t at the start, it wouldn’t be capitalized since it’s acting somewhat like a preposition.

Capitalize ‘being’ correctly, and your titles will shine with professionalism. Keep your style guide close, and you’ll never doubt when to hit that shift key again.


Understand that capitalization in titles depends on the style guide you follow. In APA, Chicago, and MLA styles, ‘being’ is a verb and should be capitalized in a title. However, the AP style suggests capitalizing words with four or more letters, so ‘being’ gets uppercased too. Always check the specific rules of the style you are using. This knowledge will polish your titles flawless and professional. Thank you for reading!

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