Is “was” Capitalized in a Title? Quick Answer

Ever find yourself scratching your head when you’re trying to perfect a title for your essay or article? One common stumbling block is knowing when to use capital letters. Take the word ‘was’, for example. Should it stand tall in caps or remain in lowercase? This question has puzzled many, but the answer lies within the conventions of style guides like Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP. Each one has its own set of rules that determine the fate of words in titles. Get ready to dive into the world of title capitalization and clear up any confusion surrounding this little word.

Key Takeaway:

In title capitalization, the word ‘was’ is typically capitalized. According to Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP writing styles, all verbs need to be capitalized in titles, including ‘was’. Make sure to observe the rules of each style guide when creating titles.

When crafting titles in English, the capitalization of ‘was’ might appear tricky. However, the rules for title capitalization are quite straightforward. According to most style guidelines, including Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP, ‘was’ is not capitalized in a title. This is because ‘was’ is a three-letter verb, and in title capitalization rules, shorter conjunctions, articles, and prepositions are typically kept in lowercase.

Understanding Title Capitalization Rules

In your journey to mastering title capitalization, it’s essential to remember a few simple principles. For Chicago and MLA style, verbs, no matter how short, should always be capitalized. APA and AP have slightly different rules. APA style suggests capitalizing all words of four letters or more, while AP style is similar but with some additional nuances.

Examples in Different Styles

Here’s how ‘was’ would appear in titles following different style guides:

  • Chicago/MLA: ‘She Was Afraid to Ask’
  • APA: ‘She was Afraid to Ask’
  • AP: ‘She Was Afraid to Ask’

Notice that in AP style, ‘was’ is capitalized because it’s a verb, and verbs are always capitalized. In APA style, ‘was’ remains lowercase following their specific length guidelines.

Keep It Consistent

The most important thing when capitalizing titles is consistency. Pick a style guide and stick with its rules for all your writing. This ensures your titles are always professional and correct. And remember, if you forget a rule, you can always check back with your chosen style manual for guidance.


In conclusion, whether you capitalize the word ‘was’ in a title depends on the style guide you’re following. In styles like Chicago and MLA, you do capitalize it because it’s a verb and they capitalize all verbs, regardless of their length. Yet, in APA and AP style, ‘was’ often stays lowercase because it’s considered too short, typically three letters or fewer, and it isn’t a proper noun or the first word in the title. Remember, consistency is key in applying these rules, so pick the style guide that’s right for your purpose and stick with it. Thank you for reading, and best of luck refining your titles!

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