Is “versus” Capitalized in a Title? Quick Answer

When you’re crafting the perfect title, every word counts, including the little ones like ‘and,’ ‘but,’ or ‘versus.’ You might wonder if smaller words, especially ‘versus,’ deserve a capital letter. Depending on whether you’re following the guidelines of Chicago, MLA, APA, or AP style, the rules can change. If you’re keen to polish your titles to shine, stay tuned to unlock the secrets of capitalizing ‘versus’ and make your headlines grammar-perfect.

Key Takeaway:

In title case formatting, the word ‘versus’ is typically not capitalized unless it’s the first or last word in the title. This rule applies to MLA, APA, Chicago, and AP styles. Keep in mind, abbreviations of ‘versus,’ such as ‘vs.’ or ‘v.’, are also not capitalized. Consistency is key in title capitalization.

When you write a title, every word counts, including the small ones. ‘Versus’ may seem like a small fry in the grand scheme of words, but it plays by the same rules when it comes to capitalization.

Capitalizing ‘versus’ in Different Styles

In the world of titles, writing styles like Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP have their own set of rules. For the Chicago, MLA, and APA styles, ‘versus’ is not a major word. It’s considered a preposition, because it’s showing a relationship between two things. Those styles say you should only capitalize big guys – nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and some conjunctions and prepositions. Since ‘versus’ is only six letters long, it stays lowercase in a title.

In AP Style, be a little more on your toes. They suggest capitalizing every word that’s four letters or longer. That means ‘versus’ sneaks into the capital club. It gets to put on that big letter ‘V’ and stand tall.

Let’s break it down with some examples:

Using Chicago or MLA Style:
– The Case of Jon Snow versus The Night King
Here, ‘versus’ blends into the background with a lowercase ‘v’.

Using APA Style:
– Effects of Sunshine versus Artificial Light on Mood
Once again, ‘versus’ keeps it cool in lowercase.

Using AP Style:
– Batman Versus Superman: Dawn of Justice
This time, ‘Versus’ gets to show off with a capital ‘V’.

Remember, each style has its own guidebook for these details, so double-check if you’re setting up a title. That way, whether it’s ‘versus’ or any other word, you’ll use the right case and your title will shine like a polished apple on the teacher’s desk.


In conclusion, remember that the role of the word ‘versus’ in titles shifts based on the style guide you follow. In Chicago, MLA, and APA styles, it’s a common practice to use lowercase for ‘versus’ because it is a conjunction and has fewer than five letters. On the other hand, AP style suggests you capitalize it as it is an important word that carries weight in the title. Pay attention to these rules when crafting titles to ensure your work looks polished and professional. Thanks for taking time to learn about capitalization in titles and keep practicing for excellence in writing!

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