Is “us” Capitalized in a Title? Quick Answer

Ever find yourself scratching your head over whether to capitalize words like ‘us’ in a title? You’re not alone. Titles have their own set of rules, and understanding these can be the key to making your writing look professional. Dive into the world of title capitalization, where the seemingly small details can make a big difference. Whether you’re penning a catchy headline or polishing an academic piece, knowing the ins and outs of capitalization styles like Chicago, MLA, APA, and AP ensures your titles are dressed to impress. Let’s unravel the mysteries of capitalizing words in titles together.

Key Takeaway:

In title case, when following Chicago, MLA, APA, or AP styles, the pronoun ‘us’ should be capitalized. However, in sentence case, used more in web and informal writing, ‘us’ would not be capitalized unless it’s the first word. Always ensure to adhere to the chosen style’s guidelines for consistency. Title case, sentence case, capitalize ‘us’.

When you craft a title, you might wonder if small words like ‘us’ should stand tall with capital letters or stay lowercase. Good news! There’s a simple rule to remember. In title case, you capitalize words that are four letters or longer. That means short words, like ‘us,’ usually stay lowercase. But, there are exceptions based on which style guide you follow.

Understanding Style Guides

Each style guide has rules for titles. For instance, APA style says to capitalize words with four letters or more, which means ‘us’ stays lowercase. Yet, Chicago likes all prepositions lowercase, regardless of length, but ‘us’ isn’t a preposition. It remains lowercase because it’s short and not the first or last word in a title.

Examples in Different Styles

APA: “Learning from Us: A Study in Collaboration” (‘Us’ starts the subtitle, so it’s capitalized)

Chicago: “Join Us at Sunset” (‘Us’ is not the first or last word, so it stays lowercase)

MLA: “Between You and Us” (‘Us’ is not an article, preposition, or coordinating conjunction, so capitalize it)

AP: “How It Affects Us All” (Here ‘Us’ is part of a longer phrase that should be capitalized)

Remember, titles need consistency. Always check the style guide you are using to make sure your title fits its rules perfectly. This helps your writing look polished and professional.


Understand that in titles, the treatment of the word ‘us’ depends on the style guide being followed. For MLA, APA, and Chicago style, capitalize ‘Us’ when it begins a title or is a pronoun. However, AP style is unique because it would keep ‘us’ lowercase unless it is the first word. Being only two characters doesn’t affect its capitalization. Always check the specific rules of the style guide when writing titles. Thanks for delving into this key aspect of grammar and style.

Want to learn about more specific capitalization rules for words?

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